Excelente video donde nos muestra el descubrimiento de la Señora de Cao, gracias al apoyo de la Fundacion Wiese, se ha hecho posible este gran hallazgo. Visitemosla ... Perú, país de maravillas.

Reported in the June issue of National Geographic magazine, the elaborately wrapped mummy is a woman who died in her 20s. The woman, buried with a teen-aged girl as a sacrifice, is believed to have been a member of the Moche elite — possibly a ruler. Objects buried with her, including two ceremonial war clubs and 23 spear throwers, have left archaeologists puzzled: Such symbolic items previously have only been found in the graves of Moche men.

Archaeologists first spotted the war clubs in X-rays made before the enormous mummy bundle was unwrapped. I could see from the X-ray a bit of the pelvis — it clearly was a female, said physical anthropologist John Verano of Tulane University, who has been working at Perus El Brujo Archaeological Project, invited by the Wiese Foundation.

The Moche culture thrived from A.D. 1 to A.D. 800 in the coastal river valleys of northern Peru. The Moche excelled at art, creating splendid ceramics and elaborate objects of gold and other metals. They also constructed huge pyramids; the Moche Pyramid of the Sun is the largest adobe pyramid in the New World.

The best-preserved mummy ever known from the ancient Moche culture, parts of it covered with tattoos, has been discovered by Peruvian archaeologists, leaded by archaeologist Regulo Franco from de Wiese Foundation, at a ceremonial site called El Brujo — the Wizard — on the north coast of Peru, in Trujillo. The mummy is dated to around A.D. 400.

In the thousands of Moche tombs previously exposed, no female warrior has been identified.

Moche art tells bloody tales of what once took place at Huaca Cao Viejo, a grand cathedral of the Moche era. Their prisoners were brought into the pyramids ceremonial plaza naked, bleeding and bound with nooses. Once inside, they witnessed a Moche priest adorned in gold slit their throats one by one. Those in line who didnt turn away or faint saw a priestess catch the blood in a golden goblet for the priest to drink.

Huaca Cao also was the final resting place of some of the Moche elite. The woman was accompanied by five other burials — three adults and two teen-aged sacrifices. The bundles have been excavated and X-rayed and are to be unwrapped over the next few months. The archaeologists hope to extract mitochondrial DNA from them to determine if they were related and to do isotopic work to track the elite womans lineage and life history.